This is the fantastic polish Scarab, from the Illamasqua autumn collection. Ladies, this is ONE coat, slapped on in a hurry just before my youngest daughters christening ceremony last saturday. The photo is taken on day 5, excuse the wear. As usual Nubar Foundation base coat and Seche Vite top coat.
I touched it up with a second coat after taking the photos and the color grew even deeper and more haunting. I now understand why the old egyptians worshiped the Scarab bug as a holy creature! I think I may do that too.. ;-)
As a little bonus, here is Sonja on her big day. Nails done with one coat of Orly Shine.

Oh, Illamasquas are so tempting.
SvaraRaderaSonja looks like she's properly serious for the occasion.
I purchased this and it's beautiful! It looks so lovely with your skin tone. And Sonja is adorable :)
SvaraRaderaKarenD and PinkGinger,
SvaraRaderaThank you for your kind comments. Illamasqua is something very special, I do not regret buying a single one of them.
I follow both your blogs and enjoy them very much!
PinkGinger, I will translate your comment for Sonja, she will be very happy about it!
Hot polish!
SvaraRaderaScarab är verkligen ett läckert rött lack! Min Illamasqua-önskelista har vuxit sig läskigt lång.
SvaraRaderaGorgeous! I only have 2 Illamasquas, but I totally want more! If only they weren't so expensive...
SvaraRaderayes, scorching!
Jag vet, jag har en likadan. Tyvärr (för min plånbok) verkar det som Illamasqua är precis så bra som det sägs..
I know, my wallet hurts every time I even think of buying a new one. But they are lovely :-)
Sonja looks so cute! And that's a nice color, Scarab!
SvaraRaderaThis Shade is gorgeous
Wish to find this brand in Kuwait