So. I'm on vacation. That means I can wear as much bling as I want to. It also means that I don't have to sport a perfect manicure, it's my vacation :-p
The solution to this came from the sweet Flavia of Similar Addiction. I won a giveaway, and she sent me the most gorgeous glitter polishes. This is one of them, KIKO 231.
I am so sorry I couldn't conjure the sun. I do have certain powers, but ruling the sun is a little out of my league.. ;-)
That's a great glitter! I have one of the other Kiko glitters and love it, too.
SvaraRaderaThis is amazing! I love the colour and the flakies! *droooooool*
SvaraRaderaI hope your vacation is going great.
That is so cool!
SvaraRaderaThanks ladies! I just wish I could show you this in sun shine too, it is really amazing! I don't think it's a flake polish really. It just looks like that beacaue it contains at least 3 sizes of glitter + the pcetty hexagonal one.
SvaraRaderaGreat polish, great week!
oooh. flakie glitter...
SvaraRadera@PP... Those pieces of glitter are still amazing. I hope to get my hands on them one day! :D
SvaraRaderaIf You like giveaways check and follow Girlie Giveaway Your Daily Giveaway Source On The Web
SvaraRaderaThank You! :)
Pretty and Skulda,
SvaraRaderaYes, Kiko seems to be an amazing polish brand. I had no idea before, but Similar Addiction is of the same conclusion, and as far as I know, she is the expert.. :-D
I really love this manicure- the glitter is amazing!!! thank you for your kind comments on my blog- I really am glad you liked the design! :-)
SvaraRaderayou are the artist, I'm the amateur!
Awesome glitters!