I received such a sweet award today, from Biba's Beauty corner
The rules are very simple:
- Answer one question: What do you like the most about your own blog?
- Pass this award on.
What I like most about my blog is that I managed to keep it guilt free. I blog for my pleasure, sometimes almost daily, sometimes no more than once in a fortnight. Before I started this adventure, I thought long and hard about it. I didn't want to create a monster that would feed me guilt and feelings of stress when I didn't have the time it required.
Well, there is no monster, just a great hobby and an opportunity to connect to the nicest internet community ever.. Thank you for reading and letting me be a part of all this!
I pass this award on to:
Never Ending Obsession
Mon coin à moua
Alizarine Claws
Thank you for accepting this award! :)
SvaraRaderaI like what you wrote about your blog.
Thank you Biba,
SvaraRaderaI'm proud to be awarded by you :-D
Congratulations! Your blog is great and I'm glad you enjoy it as much as we do!
SvaraRaderaTack för det! Ska absolut ta upp utmaningen! ;D
SvaraRaderaOh thanks for passing the award to me! Its my first one! Keep up the good work hun :)
SvaraRaderaOoh, det här hade jag missat. :D Tack så mycket! <3