Last week I got a craving for green. I didn't want to change my manicure since it still held up very well so I thought of an alternative. From my Helmer, I picked up all the green polish I have by BB Couture. I don't think there is another polish company that loves the green color as BB Couture does. I don't have a complete collection, but still, if I did one manicure a week I could wear BB Couture greens on my nails for almost six month. Awesome, right?
First wheel:
(three coats)
1. Dress Rehearsal (BB for men)
2. Kelly's Green
3. Caterpillar
4. Iced Olive
5. Universal Joint (BB for men)
6. Grenade (BB for men)
7. Ceremony (BB for men)
8. Green Goblin
9. Golf Pro (BB for men)
10. Fuel Injector (BB for men)
11. Venom
12. Poison Ivy
13. Frosty Meadow
14. Studio 54
15. Mariner (BB for men)
16. Pipe Bender (BB for men)
17. Redwood Forest
18. Saturday Night Fever
Second Wheel:
(three coats)
1. Tortuga Island
2. Laguna Lagoon
3. Bassins Bleu
4. Bassins Bleu 2
For me BB Couture are really the Queen of Green!
These are awesome green polishes!
SvaraRaderaDen här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderayea for BB the botanical babe queens of green
SvaraRaderaI. love them.
SvaraRaderaSweet,easy to work with, a little holo througn in,as
and I am ready to marry anybody who love polish much as I do
That is safe!!
Ahhhhh beautiful polishes!