I have a database for my nail polish.
(ok, I admit it, I'm a total nerd, now sue me.. ;-) )
The other day I made a search for a single word, and then started to pick up the polishes that came up in the search (not all, I kind of lost interest during the way).
Now, the question is not what word I searched for since that is pretty self explanatory, but why do I own all this polish?
(ok, I admit it, I'm a total nerd, now sue me.. ;-) )
The other day I made a search for a single word, and then started to pick up the polishes that came up in the search (not all, I kind of lost interest during the way).
Now, the question is not what word I searched for since that is pretty self explanatory, but why do I own all this polish?
First right answer gets a big applause, (and no, the answer is not that I'm a crazy PolishPig.. ;-) )
hahaha! I love how much yellow nail polish you have!
SvaraRaderaWow, this could have a lot of different answers. I'm going to guess it's becase you like pretty colors =) And even the ones that sometimes photograph like they look the same usually do not - that's my reason LOL, that & plus since polish never goes bad as long as you have some thinner, my collection is ever-growing!
SvaraRaderaAlso, you are not alone - I also have a ridiculous spreadsheet of all my polish. Which means I can't pretend like I don't know I have over 700 bottles LOL
either you wanted a yellow that's not streaky and opaque, or you have a specific dress and you wanted a yellow to get along well =)
SvaraRaderaThe yellow party of color made me laugh. I can't imagine what would happen if I lined up my purples!
SvaraRaderaI am going to say that you like variety.
What a cheerful gathering of yellows! Did you type in the word Sweden by any chance?That's my best guess-I follow hockey and the Swedish fans are always in yellow :)
SvaraRaderaWow thats alot of yellow... so my guess is yellow?
SvaraRaderaYellow, yellow, yellow. Oh my word. I would have that much too if I had more cash. I need to vary my University themed manis!
SvaraRaderaI was about to say that even I don't own that many yellow nail polishes but I went to my dresser and made a head count... over 25 bottles. Yellow is my favorite color when it comes to nail polishes and I'm still searching for the one that takes my breath away :D
SvaraRaderaI would quess the answer to your question is hiding somewhere behind your nationality... ok, lame guess, but what can I do :D
Actually, I think Trincess was closest in her guess, assuming that I had another valued possession with the same colour (even if it was not a gown, but what a lovely thought, I do believe I have to find a yellow gown :-) )
SvaraRaderaI love all your comments, You make the blogging so rewarding! Thank You everyone! :-D
Jag är himla nyfiken på din databas, hur den är uppbyggd och i vilket program du har gjort den. Har nämligen tänkt göra en egen och söker tips och inspiration.
SvaraRaderaJag har ett databasprogram som heter HandBase. Det är kopplat till dator och en "handhållen" enhet, i mitt fall en PalmPilot. Min stackars Palm är hopplöst omodern men eftersom HandBase funkar så bra har jag fortsatt att använda det. Från början var det inte nagellack utan böcker och datorspel som jag ville ha koll på. Handbase funkar på mobiler också nu för tiden, så mitt nästa projekt blir att byta ut min gamla Palm mot en iPhone.
Wow - great collection of yellows!
SvaraRaderaHahahahaha! This is so easy to answer.
SvaraRaderaI love seeing other maniacs out there. My husband thinks that I'm the craziest person in the world, with my polish obsession. Should show him this post.
You're funny. :D