lördag 20 mars 2010

Essie Body Language

Now, this is not going to be a long post.
Great news is the polish I'm wearing does not need that either. Essie Body Language is a straight up nude, opaque in 3 coats color. The picture is taken in the setting sun, so normally the polish is a little cooler in color. Three coats, but I grew more and more happy with it...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Looks great. Totally worksafe, that's always a plus!

  2. ANSTAH,

    Thank You! Work safe it is, almost everywhere except were I work :-p
    Bleh, I love my job, but sometimes not the co-workers so much..

    I will have to stand this for a couple of months, then I'm back to my careful and very conservative normal again.
    Before I go home though, I am thinking of sporting BB Coutures Horned Devil for a week just to make the statement!
