What is this, is it an early christmas gift from my secret elf?
Please disregard the pig, it must be a polishpig which crept up to smell if there might be something interesting in there..
So pretty a parcel, do you think I can refrain from opening..?...
Please disregard the pig, it must be a polishpig which crept up to smell if there might be something interesting in there..
So pretty a parcel, do you think I can refrain from opening..?...

Nah, I couldn’t!
Look at all these goodies, polishes, lip glosses, an eye dust and an eye pen. To top it off a very cute little bag with a lot of samples in. What a great Christmas gift!
To concentrate on the polishes, I show you first two BarryM without names, the pink one and the green one. They must have been part of a promotional package or some other limited edition, since they have no names and there is a “not to be sold separately” sticker at the bottom.

Great colours, and even though I have about eight other green BarryM, none of them is a dupe of this! I don’t have the pink one either, but that is not so surprising, since I only have one other BarryM pink. The yellow one I think is from the regular line, but it is new to me, name is yellow 134.
Then there is a beautiful L’Oreal polish from the summer 09 release, 350. Unfortunately, this is one that I had in my stash already, but it will do a good job in my trade pile.
Last but not least, there is a holographic glitter top coat polish from Wet’n Wild, Kaleidoscope. I’m super happy about this one! Surely, I have other glittery top coats, but really, who could get enough holographic glitter!
Thank you very much Maria from Polishign the nails!
Now, I feel a little bit naughty for opening my christmas gift way early, I hope Santa don't read my blog.. ;-)
Awww was sure I didn't see the L'Oreal on that picture of the yellow ones you own :( But glad you can use it anyway ;) And the pink and green was part of a package but it was all damaged when i got it from Barry M so decided to take them out and put them in the package like that :) Im glad you could use it all :D Im sure santa will understand :P Im still waiting for my secret santa package :(
SvaraRaderaYou are probably right about the picture, I didn't put my entire yellow stash out. When I had so many that it became hard to fit them into one photo, I stopped. I have my polishes sorted after brand and country, so picking those out meant opening a lot of different Helmer drawers..
The big upside is that I didn't have the yellow BarryM! And it looks like that one is not far from my car colour eather. I will surely show it on the blog when I try it on. Thanks again! :-D
I hope you get your package soon, it's not far from Denmark to Sweden and I know there are people participating from all over the world (I sent py package to Singapore) so shipping time must vary.
What a great package, I love those Barry M's!
SvaraRaderaWhat a nice Christmas present. Santa was very good to you.
SvaraRaderaGildedangel and Lucy,
SvaraRaderaYes, I love it too! Great colours!